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Phil Riley Music

Writer  |  Producer  |  Recording Artist

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Phil Riley has built a successful career writing and arranging in many different genres, from Alt Folk and Pop through to Celtic, Jazz, Instrumental, and even children's music. He's an accomplished lyricist and compulsive songwriter.

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International standard arranging, production and mastering at Life of Riley Studio . Enhance or finish your project, from a song to an entire album. Draw on the experience and friendly guidance of a professional producer and recording artist working in a well-equipped studio overlooking the beautiful Wellington harbour.

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Philip Riley has been releasing his music with record companies such as Naxos/White Cloud since 1994 when Grammy winner Jon Mark invited him to join the label. A successful and well-received string of albums followed as well as Indie releases, collaborations and compilations with other labels across the world.

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Moving focus from his successful Celtic/World music releases, the new adult contemporary indie album "FIVE DOLLAR ROCKETS...the Songs of Phil Riley" finally features the previously unreleased songs crafted during & after the White Cloud years.

"This is the bit where I finally get to put out something purely for myself. In my career I’ve been many things for many people; producer, arranger, engineer, and recording artist on several international labels in many musical genres. At the heart of me though, it’s probably Phil the song-writer that gives me the most pleasure. So, here on this brand new release are 14 little rockets to get the party started."

- Phil Riley


"I close my eyes and picture your face close to mine.

Warm hearts rise while five dollar rockets fall from the sky

So I'm doing fine - but it's a mighty fine line"

—  Lyrics from "I'm Doing Fine" Five Dollar Rockets Album

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